January 12, 2025
首先,續租必須要再簽新租約,由於原有的租期完結代表原有的租約也完結,舊租約的條款對業主與租客已無任何約束力. 如果「租客」繼續留在物業居住,這不是租賃關係,「租客」只是一位佔用人. 如果「租客」突然不繳付租金或發生任何租務上的問題,業主即使想追討責任亦會很麻煩.
國際燃料價格已由高位回落,紓緩燃料費壓力,2024 年的平均淨電價將下調 7.4%至每度電142.9 港仙,有助減輕客戶的電費壓力.」 按已批准的資本支出,連同營運成本計算,預計未來五年平均基本電價每年平 均上升約2.2%,低於同期通脹預測.
一,遷徙登記,請攜帶本人及遷入者之國民身分證,印章,遷出地戶口名簿及最近2年內所攝符合新式身分證規格相片1張或數位相片,單獨立戶並應提憑下列文件之一,至遷入地戶政務所辦理: (一)建物所有權狀或最近一期已完稅之房屋稅單(有蓋繳費章或附收據)正本.借錢 交稅
容積率: 容積率300%代表,100坪的土地中,允許蓋出300坪的容積坪數. 蓋300坪"容積坪數"時,還可以再蓋約180坪的"免計容積坪數".
地基主 要一直拜嗎?
拜地基主的習俗是「只要拜一次,之後就要一直拜下去.」 例外的是,如果房子動工裝修的時候,裝修師傅幫忙拜了地基主,可以不用一直拜下去. 但如果是屋主自己入宅的時候拜了地基主,之後就要一直拜下去. 如果知道自己沒時間一直拜地基主,但又希望入宅能圓滿,不妨改成到住家附近土地公廟拜拜,向土地公報告你家住哪裡,請祂保佑家宅平安.
房東會要求留存身分證影本,應是擔心在租賃期間發生任何狀況,會有找不到房客又無 任何證明方式的困擾,同理而言,不論是房東對房客或是房客對房東應也是可以做相同的要 求. 但是證件留存在他人手中,畢竟會有些顧慮,若擔心證件遭人冒用,可在影本上註明『僅 供租屋使用』的字樣.
業主或租戶如欲為其位新居申請電力或更改用戶名稱,可在電力公司的官方網站申請電費轉名. 申請可由業主,租戶,代理人或房地產經紀人提出. 只要簽署了合約或租約,就可以提出申請. 除新供電力地址外,還應提供申請人的身份證,護照,中國身份證,通行證或商業登記證,買賣合約或租約複印件.租屋開支
原則上,二房東是不違法的! 依據民法第443 條的規定「承租人非經出租人承諾,不得將租賃物轉租於他人. 但租賃物為房屋者,除有反對之約定外,承租人得將其一部分轉租於他人.」禮金
Posted by: mnxbcvjshdgfj at
06:13 AM
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December 16, 2024
What jobs fall under data management?
Data analyst.
Data scientist.
Machine learning engineer.
Business intelligence analyst.
Logistics analyst.
Data architect.
Business systems analyst.
Marketing analyst.
More items...
Which is better, MongoDB or SQL?
MongoDB is a more dynamic and complicated choice that is appropriate for hierarchical data because of its fundamental properties, as opposed to ana SQL Database, which is still more predetermined and appropriate for other types of data storage. Hence this is the reason MongoDB outshines the SQL database.
Why PostgreSQL over MySQL?
PostgreSQL is preferred for managing read-write operations, large datasets, and complex queries. But it's not preferred for read-only operations. MySQL offers fewer features than PostgreSQL, but this allows MySQL to stay lighter, more stable, and faster at processing-especially when it comes to read-only queries.
Should I use PostgreSQL or MySQL?
PostgreSQL is better suited for enterprise-level applications with frequent write operations and complex queries. However, you can start a MySQL project if you want to prototype, create internal applications with fewer users, or create an information storage engine with more reads and infrequent data updates.人工智慧軟體工程師
What are high paying non coding computer science jobs?
Top Non-Coding IT Jobs
Data Analyst. One of the best jobs in the sector is that of a Data Analyst. ...
Scrum Master. ...
IT Business Analyst. ...
Project Manager. ...
QA Tester. ...
UX Designers. ...
Digital Marketing.
What are DBA privileges?
DBA is the standard role that can be granted by an administrator to another administrator. It includes all system privileges and should only be granted to the most trusted and qualified of users. Assigning this role to a user enables the user to administer the database.
What is the full form of SQL?
The full form of SQL is Structured Query Language. SQL is a program created and formulated in the Relational Database Management System to handle structured data.
What is the most popular database management model today?
The most common type of databases in organizations is the Relational Database Management System (RDBMS).database manager
What is the highest position of manager?
Top Level Management
The top level of an organization's management consists of the Board of Directors, Managing Director, Chairman, Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Vice-President, President, General Manager, and other Senior Executives.
Does DBA need coding?
Even though most Database Administrators (DBAs) have development experience, they are not required to write code. If you are not proficient at coding, you do not have to worry. To be a Database Administrator (DBA), you don't need to be a top programmer in a programming language.
Posted by: mnxbcvjshdgfj at
05:41 PM
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November 26, 2024
Posted by: mnxbcvjshdgfj at
03:43 PM
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November 15, 2024
What vegetables are toxic to dogs?
Fruits and vegetables that are toxic to dogs
Onions, leeks, chives, and garlic. grapes and raisins. Tomato leaves, stems, or unripe young tomatoes. Green potatoes, potato leaves and stems.
Is pet food good for humans?
After all, pet food isn't toxic to humans, but it's not ideal. You can also try it out and use it according to your needs. However, from a nutrition and food safety perspective, this is not a long-term solution.
What fruits are best for dogs?
What fruits are safe for dogs to eat?
Oranges. ...
Peach. ...
Pear. ...
Pineapple. ...
Raspberry. ...
Strawberry. Strawberries are a good source of vitamin C, potassium, fiber, and antioxidants. ...
Tomato. Despite the common myth that tomatoes are not poisonous to dogs, tomatoes are not poisonous to dogs. ...
Watermelon. Yes, dogs can eat watermelon.
Other items...•
What is the best way to cook eggs for dogs?
Cook or boil eggs normally without oil, butter, salt or other additives. I recommend making scrambled eggs. Scrambled eggs are easier for dogs to digest and quickly provide the protein they need to maintain lean muscle and energy. But again, please keep the content easy to understand.
Is dry pet food healthy?
Dry dog food, or "kibble," often has benefits not available with wet food, including: Dental Health Benefits: Dry food encourages dogs to chew their food, which helps prevent tartar buildup and secondary periodontal disease.
What animal is most commonly killed for food?
How many animals are killed for food every day?
Chicken: 206 million per day
Farmed fish: 211 million to 339 million
Wild-caught Fish: 3 billion to 6 billion
Ducks: 9 million.
Pig: 4 million.
Geese: 2 million.
Sheep: 1.7 million.
Rabbit: 1.5 million.
Other items...•
What is the best food for my pet?
16 Healthy and Safe Foods to Feed to Dogs
Apples. Fresh apples are a great crunchy treat for dogs. ...
Banana. ...
Blueberry. ...
Carrot. ...
Unsalted cashew nuts. ...
Cauliflower. ...
Cooked chicken without seasoning. ...
Boiled eggs without seasoning.
Other items...•
What kind of dog food is good?
Selected. Our Top Picks
Perfect for puppies. Hills Science Diet Puppy Small Bites Dry Dog Food. ...
Overall the best. Royal Canin's adult dry dog food for small dogs. ...
The best subscription. Farmer's Dog subscription dog food. ...
Perfect for sensitive stomachs. Purina Pro Plan Adult Dry Dog Food for Sensitive Skin & Stomach. ...
The perfect food for active dogs.
Can I cook for my pet?
The decision to prepare homemade dog food should be made after careful consideration and discussion with your veterinarian about your dog's current health and long-term health goals. You should also consult a veterinary nutritionist who can provide you with at least one balanced homemade dog food recipe.西莎有毒
Can dogs drink milk?
It's a good idea to give your dog a few tablespoons of cow's or goat's milk from time to time. However, it's probably best to avoid giving your dog an entire bowl at once, as this can cause unpleasant reactions such as diarrhea, vomiting, and loose stools.
Posted by: mnxbcvjshdgfj at
08:07 AM
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Post contains 524 words, total size 4 kb.
November 06, 2024
Posted by: mnxbcvjshdgfj at
05:18 PM
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Post contains 5 words, total size 1 kb.
November 02, 2024
Which brand of body scrub is best?
Buy now!
Tree Hut Shea Sugar Scrub. Transform your skincare routine with Tree Hut Shea Sugar Scrub with Tahitian Vanilla Bean. ...
RAS Luxury Oil Refresh Hydrating Body Scrub, ...
Clinique Sparkle Skin Body Exfoliator. ...
Dove's exfoliating body polish. ...
mCaffeine Exfoliating Coffee Body Scrub.
How can I exfoliate my body at home?
Apply gently. Do this in small circular motions for about 30 seconds. And please rinse further
How do I exfoliate my private areas?
Take a small amount of your chosen exfoliating product and apply it to your bikini area, focusing on the hair follicles. Massage gently in circular motions for 30-60 seconds, then rinse off with lukewarm water. Avoid over-scrubbing as this can cause irritation and redness.染髮洗頭水
How often should I scrub my body?
For most people, exfoliating two to three times a week is enough to keep your skin in top condition. To exfoliate properly, make sure the water in your shower is lukewarm. This will help open your pores. Next, gently rub the exfoliating body scrub over your skin in circular motions.
What happens when you remove the skin from your armpits?
Removes dead skin cells: Just like the rest of your body, the skin under your armpits sheds dead skin cells. Over time, these cells can build up and cause a dull, grainy texture. Exfoliating your armpits removes these dead skin cells, leaving your skin smoother and brighter.
How long should I keep the scrub on my face?
Gently massage the scrub into your skin for the amount of time recommended by your specific product, usually 30 seconds to 1 minute. Then rinse with lukewarm water and pat your skin with a clean towel. Then use a moisturizing mask, serum, or cream.
Should girls shower twice a day?
Many doctors say that daily showering is fine for most people. (More than that and you can start to develop skin problems.) But for many people, two to three times a week is enough, and may be even better to stay healthy.
What is the best body scrub for women?
Perfect for exfoliating
SkinFix Resurfacing + Glycolic and Lactic Acid Renewal Body Scrub does double duty. I've noticed that not only does it exfoliate and smooth the texture, but it also significantly brightens and balances my skin tone. 身體磨砂膏
Is sugar or salt better for body scrubs?
If you have sensitive skin or want a gentle exfoliation, a sugar scrub may be the best option for you. If you need deep exfoliation and have normal to oily skin, a salt scrub may be a better option. Finally, your skin type and preferences will determine which exfoliant is best for your skin.
What is the most hygienic way to remove pubic hair?
Trimming is the safest option because it shortens pubic hair without cutting it close to the skin, which can lead to injury or infection. You can use commercially available scissors and trimming tools for pubic hair, or even tools made for trimming beards.
Posted by: mnxbcvjshdgfj at
07:28 AM
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Post contains 516 words, total size 4 kb.
October 24, 2023
I. Principles of multilayer pcb boards.
multilayer pcb fabrication with single-sided and double-sided board between the biggest difference is that the enterprise increased the company's internal control power supply layer and grounding layer. Power and ground for the network is mainly routed on the working power layer. pcb multilayer board on each substrate layer on both sides of the development of a conductive metal, and can use some special adhesive will be combined together with the board connection, and the purpose of the existence of insulating structural materials between each board. However, PCB multilayer wiring systems are mainly studied based on social top and bottom layers, supplemented by intermediate wiring layers.
Therefore, PCB factory the design method of multilayer printed circuit boards is basically the same as that of double-sided printed circuit boards. The key is how to optimize the wiring of the internal electrical layer, so that the circuit board wiring is more reasonable. Multi-functional development of inevitable products with large capacity and small size.
PCB is a kind of printed circuit board, so the common PCB is several layers bonded together, each layer has a resin insulating substrate and metal line layer. The most basic PCB is divided into four layers, the top and bottom circuits are functional circuits, arranging the most important circuits and components, and the two middle circuits are the grounding and power supply layers. This has the advantage that the signal lines can be corrected and are better shielded from interference.
Generally, 4 layers are sufficient for PCB operation, so the so-called 6, 8 and 10 layers are actually more circuit layers added to increase the PCB's electrical capacity, i.e. its ability to withstand stress. Therefore, an increase in the number of PCB layers means that more circuits can be designed in-house.
For memory, when is it necessary to increase the number of PCB layers? Based on the above, it is clear that it is when the electrical strength of the PCB is too high. When is the voltage and current of the memory PCB strongest? Gamers who have played with overclocking will know that memory must be pressurized to increase the operating frequency for better performance. So it's not hard to conclude when memory can be used at high frequencies or overclocked.
Advantages of multi-layer PCB boards.
The laminate is smaller and lighter, which makes it ideal for smartphones or computers, or other products that require versatile packaging. There are also some special benefits:.
1. Multi-layer PCBs allow the product to gain more functionality.
High assembly density means the product can extend the life of the board.
3. The structure is simpler when the product does not require multiple connectors on separate PCBs.
4. In the manufacturing development stage students carry out management rigorous testing workflow Q means that high quality, efficient products will be obtained.
The electrical characteristics of multilayer printed circuit boards are faster than single layer printed circuit boards.
6. Depending on the number of layers to be added, multilayer PCBs are usually well suited for both rigid and flexible structures.
Currently the frequency of high-end memory generally starts at 3600 MHz, for safety and electrical stability, 8-layer PCBs are basically standard, some even up to 10. The performance difference between 8-layer and 10-layer PCBs of the same format is negligible for everyday users, but for professional overclocking players, the latter allows them to obtain higher frequencies.
Third, the use of multilayer PCBs.
Many different industries and product information can benefit from the use of multi-layer PCBs and from us, especially because of the durability, functionality and lightweight nature of multi-layer PCBs. Here are some of the products that companies can often use as well as these boards:
Heart monitors
Fire alarms
GPS and satellite systems
Industrial controls
Do you know what the four layers of a PCB are called?
Protection engineering technology for the use of multilayer circuit boards on PCBs
How do printed multilayer circuit boards work?
Posted by: mnxbcvjshdgfj at
06:33 AM
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Post contains 669 words, total size 5 kb.
July 13, 2023

One of the best, cheapest and most natural ways to clean your kitchen is to use common kitchen items such as salt and water, salt and vinegar, and salt and lemon juice. These methods can clean plates, pots and pans as well as any kitchen items. Think about it, you can clean a room in your house for as little as $15 for a packet of salt, $30 for a bottle of vinegar, and $40 for a packet of baking soda, whereas it would cost you several times as much to buy chemical cleaners for the same sponges & scouring pads amount of use.
[The Wonderful Uses of Vinegar
Vinegar is like an all-purpose cleaner, because vinegar is acetic acid, which can be dissolved in oil, and can easily take away oil stains after wiping. In addition, vinegar can be used to wipe the metal handle on the cabinet can also prevent rust.
1. The treatment of non-stick pan is very simple, do not have to pour the remaining oil into the sink, as long as the cooking is completed so that the grease condensation with paper towels after wiping. If there is still residual grease, just clean it directly with vinegar. Alternatively, you can pour out all the oil in the pan, then sprinkle two cups of salt on the bottom of the pan to completely soak in the oil and wipe with a paper towel.
2. Whenever you clean the outer edges of a skillet or deep fryer, wipe them with a rag soaked in vinegar to quickly remove the oil.
3. Soak a baking tray in the oven in a mixture of two cups of vinegar and one litre of hot water for one hour to remove any residue immediately. If you have metal or aluminium baking trays,eco washing up spongewipe them with a 1:1 mixture of salt and vinegar and then dry them.
4. If you're used to baking in the oven in regular pans, but you're having trouble washing them, mix a cup of apple cider vinegar with three tablespoons of sugar and pour it into the roasting pan after baking, wait for it to cool down, then wash it with hot, soapy water, and then rinse it with clean water. Because sugar can absorb oil, if the sugar is dissolved in water can make the oil easier to dissolve with sugar water.
Rust Removal Tips
Potatoes can prevent rust spots. Sprinkle some salt onnatural luffahalf a potato, and wipe the rusted area with the salt-soaked side of the potato, and the rust spots will naturally disappear. This is because the potato is coated with granular salt, which can be used to rub or friction to produce a sandpaper-like effect that brightens metal objects.
Tips for removing odours
To remove the burnt flavour of onions, peppers or eggs left in a pan, simply wash the pan with vinegar to get rid of the strange smell. The principle is that vinegar can combine with certain chemicals that produce the smell, and after a chemical change, the smell disappears. Maintenance of Small Kitchen Appliances In the kitchen, appliances can easily become greasy from fumes.
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Don't use detergent to brush dishes, these 2 things are much better!
Brush your dishes scientifically and correctly to keep your kitchen safe!
Posted by: mnxbcvjshdgfj at
12:44 PM
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Post contains 580 words, total size 4 kb.
August 08, 2020
Posted by: mnxbcvjshdgfj at
11:11 AM
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June 03, 2020
Posted by: mnxbcvjshdgfj at
07:16 AM
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May 05, 2020
Posted by: mnxbcvjshdgfj at
06:30 AM
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April 30, 2020
Posted by: mnxbcvjshdgfj at
10:49 AM
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April 16, 2020
Posted by: mnxbcvjshdgfj at
10:40 AM
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Post contains 13 words, total size 7 kb.
March 30, 2020
Posted by: mnxbcvjshdgfj at
06:50 AM
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Post contains 14 words, total size 6 kb.
March 20, 2020
Posted by: mnxbcvjshdgfj at
12:45 PM
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Post contains 21 words, total size 5 kb.
Posted by: mnxbcvjshdgfj at
12:42 PM
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March 05, 2020
Posted by: mnxbcvjshdgfj at
06:05 AM
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Post contains 17 words, total size 6 kb.
February 14, 2020
Posted by: mnxbcvjshdgfj at
07:09 AM
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Post contains 15 words, total size 4 kb.
February 04, 2020
Posted by: mnxbcvjshdgfj at
09:38 AM
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Post contains 29 words, total size 7 kb.
January 13, 2020
Posted by: mnxbcvjshdgfj at
04:56 AM
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Post contains 12 words, total size 4 kb.
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